Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Leaders vs Managers Essay Example for Free

Leaders vs Managers Essay According to many scholars, management is a basically the implementation of already established processes such as planning, staffing, measuring performance and budgeting thereby enabling an organization to do well. On the other hand, leadership is entirely different. It can be described as taking an organization to the future, exploring and successfully exploiting opportunities that come up. Leadership is about having vision, empowerment and most importantly providing useful change in the organization. The main differences between leaders and managers are: the relationship between the followers and managers and leaders, how leaders and managers solve problems, and the difference in emotional intelligence between leaders and managers. Leaders and managers have a difference in emotional intelligence. A leader is an individual who strategizes a visionary and most importantly someone who inspires other people to greatness. In order to achieve this, while leading one must share their vision with the staff or people brought together to solve a problem or create a strategy. Leaders serve as role models, motivate their staff, inspire cooperation and create a community both inside and outside of the organization. They mostly follow their intuition which in most cases benefits the company and in most cases they gain followers who become loyal to them and the organization. This is a direct contradiction to managers who carry out their instructions by the book and follow the organization’s policy to the letter and as a result the staff may or may not be loyal to them. Even when the idea of a divinely appointed leader prevailed, there existed a contrary view that the leader was actually empowered by followers, this theory was analyzed by Thomas Paine â€Å"Titles are but nicknames†¦it is common opinion only that makes them anything or nothing . . . . [A]body of men, holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not to be trusted by anybody† (1944, pp. 59-60, 63). Another major difference between leaders and managers is how their duties and relationship with their followers differ. A leader creates or rather innovates whilst the manager administers , meaning that the leader is the individual who comes up with fresh ideas in order to move the bulk of the organization into a new direction that is more beneficial and profitable. He has to come up with new strategies and tactics by keeping his focus on the horizon constantly. It is important for him to be updated on the latest trends as well as studies and the skill sets. Contrary to this, a manager simply maintains a system that has already been established and is in use. It is his duty to maintain control and ensure that things run normally and everyone in the staff is pulling their weight and contributing fully and effectively. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a typical manager is how dependent he is on the activities of a variety of other people to perform his job effectively. (Kotter, 1983, p. 360). He is rigid and unable to be creative in carrying out his duties, thereby barring him from being considered a business leader. According to Richard Rosenberg, (1992) one of the most profound examples of the difference between leaders and managers is how computers create significant changes in any organization. He illustrates how information is able to travel from top to bottom effectively without the intervention of managers somewhere in between. This shows how the difference between leaders and managers which is that managers are easily replaceable and in some cases they are not required at all to some extent. Leaders inspire greatness and effectiveness unlike managers who more or less rely on control. In other words, leadership is not what one does but actually how they respond to you. If people do not choose to join your cause then you cannot really be considered as a leader since they have inspired no one. If people do indeed join your cause then it would mean that you have inspired them, thereby creating a bond with them and the company, which is very important particularly if the organization or business is changing rapidly and needs people who believe in it to support its mission. Leaders and managers handle and prepare for problems in a different ways. Managers prepare themselves for turbulent times and during these times the primary task is to make sure that the organization’s capacity to survive and to ensure that the it maintains its structural strength as well as is capacity to survive failure and adapt as quickly as possible in the shortest time period (Peter D., 1980). Business leaders instill a staff loyalty that a manager cannot be able to because of his rigid methods and lack of spontaneity. In the case of managers, their primary job is to control their staff by aiding them to develop their assets and discover their greatest talents. In order to do this they have to know the people working for them and understand their abilities and interests. G. Lumsden (1982) describes how middle managers model themselves on top managers in a form of hierarchical mimicry: what happens is that the behavior inheritance persists. As it is passed down deeper in the organization, sans power, such behavior begins not to work so well. And at lower levels it gets muddied even further because it’s being used on individuals who don’t understand it, aren’t impressed by it, or are downright opposed to it. (p. 8) A leader focuses on the reasons why to make certain decision whereas a manager considers how and at what times decisions are made. Managers prefer to execute plans accordingly and maintain the status quo without deviating even when failures are experienced. If the company experienced failures, then a leader would learn from it and use it as a clarification point in order to get better and avoid losses in future. Levine and M. Crom (1993) in their book â€Å"The leader in you† highlight an example of leadership changes and state that â€Å"Good human relation skills have the ability to transform people from managing others to leading them. People can learn how to move from directing to guiding, from competing to collaborating and from operating under secrecy to one of sharing all of the information required, from a mode of passivity to a mode of risk taking, from one of regarding people as an expense to one of viewing people as an asset,† (P.15) In conclusion, management and leadership are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They are however different in that leadership entails inspiration as well as steering an organization whereas management is simply overseeing and delegating.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

motivation :: essays research papers

There are several Organizational Behaviors that can be attributed towards how successful a company or one in a company will be. I have decided that the two most important elements are the motivational behaviors and the stress factors. The reason I have chose these are that someone that is motivated and can deal with stress in positive ways will be a success. Also when a corporation can motivate its employees and helps them deal with stress they are usually successful as well. Stress is a very serious problem, and can be affiliated with many fatal conditions. Stress can also be put into positive use by the correct individuals. Eustress is stress at normal healthy levels and will be prevalent in motivated individuals. In emergencies eustress can be used to enhanced focus and give a burst of energy. Eustress also has other positive effects such as cardiovascular efficiency and increased arousal. In the Japanese workplace there is too much stress and is causing somewhat of an epidemic. Yearly about 30,000 workers die from a condition known as "karoshi†, which is when they literally work themselves to death. Although in America the stress levels haven’t become an epidemic some surveys show that about 75% of American workers consider their jobs stressful. There are several factors that contribute to these high stress levels. At the moment the way the world is becoming globalized and how America is in an economic recession that is causing downsizing are considered the two biggest stressors. The downsizing is not only because of the recession but a common trend in business is to hire less then adequate number of workers then working them to their full potential or even beyond their full potential. Another problem that causes a lot of stress is known as â€Å"a square peg in a round hole†. This is when an individual is in a position that does not fit their personality. An example of this is someone such as an extrovert working a position that is better suited for an introvert. Sometimes one personality may not fit what they are doing at work and will be more successful in a different position. This is something many managers ignore so if someone wants to change their job they have to do it themselves.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Relationship of Othello and Desdemona Essay

Write a critical analysis of the relationship of Othello and Desdemona in Shakespeare`s tragedy Othello. Pay special attention to the interracial character of this relationship and the use of racist stereotypes in the play. The contrast between The Moor Othello and the gentle Desdemona in Shakespeare`s tragedy Othello is noteworthy. Yet initially it looks like one complements the other: â€Å"She loved me for the dangers that I had passed. And I loved her for that she did pity them.†( Act. 1 Scene 3). But is not this precisely the weak link in their relationship? So in love, so fascinated by the pure nature of Desdemona, does Othello has these feelings over her true self, or because of her tribute to him? Even though he is widely respected general, he’s a man and the need for him to be honored by a woman is in men’s inwardness. It can be claimed that he might even needs her worship more, because, although he is considered as a noble man in times when minorities are almost trampled, his race and the perception that he is lower than his wife are still his biggest insecurities. Attitude towards Othello constantly changes. At one time honored, then considered worst, later far more fair than black. In a moment more than just a Moor, but then again a devil black. These varieties are born not only by his race, but also his devotion to Desdemona, so beautiful and just as devastating. Their relationship is unstable from the start. It became possible because she betrays her father. And that very same act of betrayal, made in the name of love, later feeds Othello`s fears and the conceived doubts in his mind about the purity of Desdemona. Unlike her husband, Brabantio`s daughter has a very calm temper. Her character is not that deep, as others, but she is still the object of the affections of the men in the play. She is intelligible, kind hearted and faithful to the end. Racism in the play shows up early when Othello is compared with a black ram: â€Å"an old black ram is topping your white ewe† (Act. 1 Scene 1). It is unacceptable for a young white woman to be with an older black man. Barbantio claims that only witchcraft can make his daughter, a spirit so still and quiet, to fall in love of what she fear to look on. This refers to Othello, who, is now not seen as the man who was loved by Brabantio. He is  now The Moor, who abused Desdemona and has stolen her from her father and her possible future with a wealthy white man. His love is not approved immediately, because he is not what is expected from Desdemona to be married to. Her father rejects him, with prejudice on his race, and with fear about losing his good name in society. But others seem to look beyond the obvious and see the love of the married couple and the goodness in Othello`s heart. On the one hand discriminated, on the other well accepted, The Moor is now not just a moor, not just a general; he is husband, respected by his wife and the majority. He supports this impression, until his jealousy obsesses him and leads him to the most tragic display of it. And that is when his African origin turns against him one more time and he`s compared to a black devil, black fool, dull moor. Othello`s dark skin match his dark deed, and reflects on other`s opinion of him. Two people in love, each completes the other. That is how Desdemona and Othello, together, look at first sight. He has unruly temper, and she is calm; she is compassionate, he needs this; she adores him, and so does he adore her. Both with such passion for each other. But The Moor`s insecurity outgrows everything. His lack of trust and his dubiety crush his common sense and Iago sows the seed of jealousy and suspicion so easily. By telling Othello that it is women`s nature to fornicate and deceive, Iago reminds him about Desdemona`s choice to elope with him, despite her father`s resentment and against his will. She marries The Moor secretly without her father`s knowledge, and instead of seeing her decision as a sign of her loyalty for him, her husband sees Desdemona`s willingness to elope as a prelude to her infidelity. Brabantio`s words â€Å"she has deceived her father, and so may thee† ( Act.1 Scene 3) pursue Othello`s mind, not letting him to shake off the feeling of doubt when he reminds to himself his own words â€Å"My life upon her faith†(Act. 1 Scene 3). Nevertheless Othello never stops loving Desdemona, nor she stops loving and supporting him, even when he is far more different than a trusting, gentle husband. Yet the destruction of their initial idyll is inevitable. Because Iago only affects Othello`s jealousy, not creating it. The Moor`s doubts, sooner or later would have come to light, with or without Iago`s evil plan. And then the fate of this marriage, this love would still be uneasy. The young beauty Desdemona is adored by several men in the play. So calm person she is, but is the one that causes such rage, resentment and jealousy among those men. Ironically, the man with whom she is suspected of adultery does not fell like that for her. Although she appears as the unit of friction and suspicions in the tragedy, she is one of the most moderate characters. No one else has thoughts that pure and intentioned. But that does not appear as something good for her, because even her good intentions to help, enrage Othello more and he gets even more suspicious. But this does not change her feeling to her beloved. She constantly tries to convince him he`s the one. Even before her death she does not blame him for what he is about to do. Instead she tries to find where she went wrong. Desdemona stays faithful and true to love till she dies. Her blind faith in the honesty and goodness in people, turns out to be one of the reasons for her disastrous destiny. With her righteous heart and her tragic fate, Desdemona is a good example of the proverb: â€Å"Bad things happen to good people.† It seems like the relationship of Othello and Desdemona was never meant to last, but even for a short term of time it was embraced with searing love, that filled their hearts with sweetness, bliss and fervor. Sad, indeed, but beautiful, how the only thing that could devastate their bond was their burning love and the consequences of it.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Long Term Potential Growth Rate Of South Africa Essay

The long-term potential growth rate of South Africa under the current policy environment has been estimated at 3.5%.Per capita GDP growth has proved mediocre, though improving, growing by 1.6% a year from 1994 to 2009, and by 2.2% over the 2000–09 decade, compared to world growth of 3.1% over the same period. The high levels of unemployment, at over 25%, and inequality are considered by the government and most South Africans to be the most salient economic problems facing the country. These issues, and others linked to them such as crime, have in turn hurt investment and growth, consequently having a negative feedback effect on employment. Crime is considered a major or very severe constraint on investment by 30% of enterprises in South Africa, putting crime among the four most frequently mentioned constraints. In the space of just two decades, South Africa has gone from being a international pariah, shunned because of its apartheid policies, to being an influential player in world affairs and a powerful advocate for global political and economic reform. This is according to the government s 20 Year Review, a report reflecting on South Africa s progress in reconstruction and development since 1994, and on the challenges facing the country as it enters its third decade of democracy. By 2012, the number of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations in South Africa had increased to 315 - the second-largest number of diplomatic offices accredited to anyShow MoreRelatedTo what extent is reducing the number of people living in absolute poverty sufficient to achieve economic growth and development?1222 Words   |  5 Pagesin absolute poverty sufficient to achieve economic growth and development? 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